I will stand rifle in hand against the destroyers, the takers, the looters. I spit on men such as Michael Feingold

24 Sep

leftists want to bring on or incite violence, they live in and revel in a the lie that they love peace, and they project thier hate anger and violence on to everyone else.. I gaurantee this line of travel will lead to alot more deaths than  anticipated by leftist jackals like this snake fiengold (below) calling for others deaths so thier belongings and “gold” can be split up amongst the thieves.

choose sides. God said NOT TO COVET OTHERS BELONGINGS. one of Gods ten commandments and lib/leftists are frothing at the mouth like a horde of goblins to rent and tear up the cloak of another. sieze all of what he has and murder. MURDER.  another commandment so called inlightened leftists are about to throw to the winds, why/ BECAUSE THE ENDS ALWAYS JUSTIFY THE MEANS WITH RADICAL LEFTISTS.  read bill ayers che guevera pol pot and any other asshole who wants to kill me, mine, and any other person who gets in thier way to  establishing their “utopia”

well fuck him. I can tell you where I will stand if people in the united states start getting executed and thier possesions and wealth “redistributed” and thats rifle in hand puting down rabid leftist dogs. wake up people the true god is the one you grew up with, christ, not leftist ideology. anyone who wants death and destruction, is jealous and covetous ready to murder or call for murder is a threat to our society and this guy has stepped over that line. he should allready be in cuffs. but he isnt. you know why ? because this is what bill ayers would want. and by extension his protege berry wants. why else allow lawlessness to riegn? becuase it is the ends to the means that the left has sought all along. dont be a pawn . wake up and think about what this guy is fomenting.

It’s our money dammit!
New York theater critic and Pulitzer Prize finalist Michael Feingold has a new idea to fight poverty and bring art to the masses.
He thinks the 53 billionaires in New York City should be murdered and their assets seized to fight poverty… And to build a repertory theater. After all, they all stole it from the workers.
From his Facebook page:

when the leftist looters come to redistribute my wealth, I hope to be able to give them the same gift this brave old man gave the drug cartel enforcers who wanted his property

One big story that hasn’t yet made it across the Spanish-English divide is the epic of Don Alejo Garza, an elderly farmer who fought a one-man stand against a drug gang.  When they gave him a deadline to leave his property or else, Garza sent his ranch hands home and armed himself. There he waited. When the gang came in the dead of the night he met them with a fusilade and killed four and wounded two before the numerically superior drug enforcers finally took him out with gunfire and hand-grenades. The Mexican Marines arrived on the scene to find  bodies all over and an old man at the center of it all.


When Mexican Marines arrived at the San Jose Ranch, 15 kilometers from Victoria, Tamaulipas, the scene was bleak: The austere main house was practically destroyed by grenades and heavy gunfire.

Outside of the home, they found four bodies. Cautiously, and with their weapons drawn, the troops continued inspecting the exterior and found two more gunmen, wounded and unconscious, but alive.

Inside the house only one body was found, riddled with bullets and with two weapons by it’s side. The body was identified as Don Alejo Garza Tamez, the owner of the ranch and a highly respected businessman in Nuevo Leon.

Upon further inspection of the interior, marines found weapons and ammunition at every window and door. This allowed them to reconstruct how, just hours prior, the battle had played out.

Marines searched for more bodies inside the house, but none were to be found. It seemed hard to believe that one person, armed only with hunting rifles, had caused so many casualties on the attackers.

Dozens of spent shells and the smell of gunpowder gave proof of the tenacity of the man who fought to the end in defense, of not only his ranch, but his dignity.

In the end, it was deduced the man had created his own defense strategy to fight alone, placing weapons at every door and window.

The story began in the morning of Saturday November 13, when a group of armed gunmen went to deliver an ultimatum to Don Alejo Garza Tamez: He had 24 hours to turn over his property or suffer the consequences.

Using the diplomacy he had acquired over nearly eight decades of life, Don Alejo flatly announced that not only would he not be surrendering his property, but that he’d be waiting for them.

When the men had left, Don Alejo gathered his workers and ordered them to take Sunday off, he wanted to be alone.

He dedicated the rest of Saturday to taking stock of his weapons and ammunition and creating a military fortress style defense strategy for his home.

The night of Saturday the thirteenth was long and restless, much like his past hunting adventures; Don Alejo woke early. Shortly after 4 a.m. the motors of various trucks could be heard entering the property from a distance.

Marines who investigated the scene could only imagine how it was that morning: armed men, their impunity secured, confident they’d soon be owners of yet another property. Nobody, or almost no one, could hold out against a group of heavily armed gunmen. Only Don Alejo.

The trucks entered the ranch and took up positions surrounding the house. The gunmen got out of their trucks, fired shots in the air, and announced they came to take possession of the ranch. They were expecting the terrified occupants to run out, begging for mercy with their hands in the air.

But things didn’t go as expected. Don Alejo welcomed them with bullets; the entire army of gunmen returned fire. Don Alejo seemed to multiply, he seemed to be everywhere. The minutes would have seemed endless to those who had seen him as easy prey. Various gunmen were killed on sight. The others, in rage and frustration, intensified the attack by swapping out their assault rifles for grenades.

When everything finally fell silent, the air was left heavy with gunpowder. The holes left in the walls and the windows attested to the violence of the attack. When they went in search of what they had assumed was a large contingent, they were surprised to find only one man, Don Alejo.

The surviving gunmen did not take over the ranch. Thinking the military would arrive at any moment, they decided to run. They left behind what they thought were six corpses, but two of their gunmen had survived.

Shortly after, the Marines arrived and methodically reconstructed the events. A lone rancher, a man who worked a lifetime to be able to enjoy the fruits of his labor such as his ranch, had defended it to his death.

In the last hunt of his life, Don Alejo surprised the group of assassins who wanted to impose the same law on his ranch that they had on the State, the law of the jungle.

The marines who were present will never forget the scene: a 77 year old man, who before death, took out four gunmen, fighting the same as the best soldiers: with dignity, courage, and honor.

Rest in Peace Don Alejo Garza Tamez

I pray for the soul of that old farmer, that he rests easy in heaven whilst the men of evil who assailed him find thier just reward in the cold dead grave.

~~~Viktor Frankl ~~~
there are only two races of men, decent men and indecent.

~~~~The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. ~~~~John Stuart Mill~~~~

“Then out spake brave Horatius,
The Captain of the Gate:
“To every man upon this earth
Death cometh soon or late.
And how can man die better
Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers,
And the temples of his gods!”

From Lays of Ancient Rome –Thomas Babbington Macaulay

I would have been proud to know that man.  this brings a tear to my normally hard heart.

” better to die on your feet then live on your knees!”

Obama’s Amerika: Inciting A Race & Class War To Achieve Dictatorship


The key tactic in every Marxist/Socialist revolution towards the establishment of totalitarian regimes and dictatorships, is to capitalize on or create economic misery and desperation among their constituencies in order to use them as a weapon against their political opposition.  When the pain becomes prevalent and demagoguery has sufficiently painted the targets of blame they want their constituencies to attack – they will instigate violence and upheaval by proxy against those they want eliminated.

Mussolini had his Blackshirts, Hitler used his Brownshirts and Mao had his devoted Red Guard as the tools used to stoke street violence.  They were devoted groups that incited larger mob actions that opportunists were all-too-happy to join in to inflict death and damage upon the targets these tools directed their rage. Bloodshed and violence then becomes the catalyst for enough of the populace to surrender what little liberty they have left for an iron-fisted political savior to brutally put down the chaos and restore “normalcy”.

This is the template that is taught and always followed by Marxists and the Fabian Socialists who are working tirelessly to ‘transform the world’ into their twisted utopian dream.  This blueprint is never deviated from – only enhanced and modified to bring about more subtle approaches so as to deceive the masses of where the Left intends to take them.  For example, they no longer have to wait for the perfect conditions to arise, for an opportune moment to establish totalitarian rule as in times past.  Today, they can create the actual conditions that are causing the economic collapse that they will capitalize on.

Cause the problem.  Spread the misery.  Blame your targets for the misery.  Incite chaos and violence.   Brutally put down those they have blamed for the chaos, criminalize them, execute them. Establish absolute power from within.   It’s that simple.  It’s that devious.  Satan is not too original, he sticks to what works.

Usually by the time the majority wake up to recognize what has been done to them, it is too late to stop the tyrants from achieving their goals upon the people they seek to destroy. Eventually the useful idiots themselves are dispatched in the same manner by the regime they put into power once total control has been accomplished.

Force Marched Into Tyranny

Given the lessons of history, it is clear to this author that America is being forced marched into a Marxist tyranny by the Obama regime and his party.  The key aspect of it’s insidiousness has now arisen exactly as I just outlined from the historical record; the demonization of their political enemies so as to incite violence against the white, middle class/rich that Obama and his Democrat Socialists, race and poverty pimps have declared the “enemy”.

Recall that one of the tenets of the political church Obama attended in Chicago for 20 years, was to eschew ‘white middle classness‘ in favor of Black Liberation theology.  That the race and poverty pimps Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson stoke this same racial/class boilerplate does not need citation.

Indeed the entirety of the ruling class holds the white, conservative middle class constituency in contempt – and would work to see it subjugated or annihilated by economic, political and/or police action. That they seek to deny liberty to anyone but themselves is self-evident, for they now actively work to silence their opposition.

As economic misery spreads and this regime and it’s sycophants continue to castigate ‘the rich’, ‘the TEA Party’, Conservatives and the rest of Former America as a domestic terror enemy, the Obama faithful understands whom this regime has targeted as an evil needing to be ‘gotten even with’.  No, the Ruling Class is not simply expressing frustration by those ‘terrorist’ declarations.  Those declarations are deliberate.  They seek to sow the ground for the conflagration they hope to ignite.  Make no mistake, they hate Conservative America with an ideological passion unrivaled in this country and they seek for the rest of the country to adopt their loathing hatred so they will move against them or turn a blind eye when institutionalized pograms and persecution are set upon them.

you definitely want to finish

Obama: “Don’t Compare Me to the Almighty, Compare Me to the Alternative”

Posted by Jim Hoft on Sunday, September 25, 2011, 10:32 PM

The One.

Obama tells supporters at a California fundraiser, “Don’t call me the Almighty, call me the alternative.”
Business Insider

and a comment at GP had this to say,

S. Wolf

Marxists believe there can be no individual emancipation but only collective emancipation.. bin Obama has no belief in God just as Marxists have no belief. He is in his mind the alternative to God, he is the State like Mao, Mussolini and Hitler.

‘Mussolini started the life of a vagabond, drifting from one town and its socialist obscure circle to other until he reached Switzerland. Although he thought of himself as quite the bohemian revolutionary, Mussolini was nothing more than a bum, often panhandling or sleeping with the homeless. In 1904 in Zurich he supposedly met Lenin (qv) . The same year he fell in love with Angelica Balabanoff, a Ukrainian professional rioter. She introduced him to the work of Georges Sorel and Nietzsche (Mussolini seem particularly drawn to the concept of “superman”). She was also the one that led him into greater prominence among the socialists until he became a member of the Italian Socialist Party’s Central Committee and, in 1912, editor of the principal publication, the daily newspaper Avanti!’

Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini

“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.” –Adolf Hitler

‘The key tactic in every Marxist/Socialist revolution towards the establishment of totalitarian regimes and dictatorships, is to capitalize on or create economic misery and desperation among their constituencies in order to use them as a weapon against their political opposition. When the pain becomes prevalent and demagoguery has sufficiently painted the targets of blame they want their constituencies to attack – they will instigate violence and upheaval by proxy against those they want eliminated.

Mussolini had his Blackshirts, Hitler used his Brownshirts and Mao had his devoted Red Guard as the tools used to stoke street violence. They were devoted groups that incited larger mob actions that opportunists were all-too-happy to join in to inflict death and damage upon the targets these tools directed their rage. Bloodshed and violence then becomes the catalyst for enough of the populace to surrender what little liberty they have left for an iron-fisted political savior to brutally put down the chaos and restore “normalcy”.’

and now this…

N.C. Dem Gov. Beverly Perdue: Hey, Let’s “Suspend” Elections Until We Fix America…

Obama seen eagerly nodding in approval.

(New Observer) — Speaking to a Cary rotary club today, N.C. Gov. Bev Perdue suggested suspending Congressional elections for two years so that Congress can focus on economic recovery and not the next election.

“I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won’t hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover. I really hope that someone can agree with me on that,” Perdue said. “You want people who don’t worry about the next election.”

The comment — which came during a discussion of the economy — perked more than a few ears. It’s unclear whether Perdue, a Democrat, is serious — but her tone was level and she asked others to support her on the idea.

how many times did we hear the Left wail and screech that a Republican president would use a national crisis to suspend elections and declare martial law?

the standard litmus test,

if a republican governor said this how would the media react….

the leftist party and all its camp followers are mind boggling in all the projection they manifest of their evil ideas and intent, on their political opponents…

and now this~~

Former Obama Budget Director Peter Orszag: “We Need Less Democracy” To “Counter Gridlock”…

For those of you keeping track at home, this is the second Democrat calling for Obama to have dictator-like powers.

(TNR/Peter Orszag) In an 1814 letter to John Taylor, John Adams wrote that “there never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.” That may read today like an overstatement, but it is certainly true that our democracy finds itself facing a deep challenge: During my recent stint in the Obama administration as director of the Office of Management and Budget, it was clear to me that the country’s political polarization was growing worse—harming Washington’s ability to do the basic, necessary work of governing. If you need confirmation of this, look no further than the recent debt-limit debacle, which clearly showed that we are becoming two nations governed by a single Congress—and that paralyzing gridlock is the result.

So what to do? To solve the serious problems facing our country, we need to minimize the harm from legislative inertia by relying more on automatic policies and depoliticized commissions for certain policy decisions. In other words, radical as it sounds, we need to counter the gridlock of our political institutions by making them a bit less democratic.

Keep reading…

remember that projection is the leftists weapon of choice.  they cried for 8 years that Bush was going to suspend elections, now look who is really for curtailing democracy and suspending elections, the statist leftists. again, their projection is mind boggling. as I saw someone note,whenever the public rejects their agenda the meme of the libtards is “The country has become ungovernable” and of course that justifies suspending liberties….


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Posted by on September 24, 2011 in Uncategorized


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